on behalf of expert village, my name is joe.i own the vug local jeweler in salt lake city. i'm going to demonstrate on how to size aring down. this is a basic ring. put it on a mandrel, it's basically a size nine it'ssaying. let's say we want to take it two sizes down. most mandrels, american mandrels anyway, have a sizing gage on the side. this would be two notches is two sizes. i wouldbasically mark the ring, take my saw and cut that gap out. push the sides in, some peopleuse a tool to do that. a pair of pliers, this is a rounded nose pair of pliers. push thegap back together so it's tight. put it in your tongs, put a little flux on there. cutoff a piece of sterling solder or white or yellow gold solder, whatever you're sizing.pick it up with your torch and a pick. pick
the piece up, put it on the gap. heat it untilit flows into the gap. that's basically it. put the ring back on the mandrel once it'sbeen welded. tap it up to what size you want it. basically that's it. throw it in the acidand let it sit for a few minutes. after that, basically just file it and polish it and yourdone.
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