diamond engagement rings come in a varietyof metals. my name is david kruger, i'm with kruger's diamond jewelers in downtown austin,and some of the choices would be in yellow or white gold, and you can get those in thecarat of fourteen to eighteen and ten carat. there's also platinum which is an excellentmetal for people who have a nickel allergy, because most white golds are alloyed withnickel and if you have an allergy to nickel, platinum would be a good alternative. anotherchoice in metals is palladium. it's a white metal, it's a very pure white metal and itcomes in the same carats that platinum comes in which is ninety-five percent pure and ninetypercent pure, and it has, it's a great wearable metal and it has very few maintenance problems.so, it's an excellent choice for a long lasting
engagement ring that will stay beautiful andbright and shiny. my name is david kruger with kruger jewelers in austin, texas.
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