Thursday, February 16, 2017

when did wedding rings start

when did wedding rings start

in this video we will compare the 4c's ofdiamond rings which are cut, carat size, clarity, and color we'll also go over my 2 personalc's which are lower costs, and the importance of certification first we'll go over cut. this is very important to understand becauseit is how diamond retailers try to trick you the most. the better the cut the better light bouncesor refracts through the diamond so it sparkles at its peak. each diamond gets a cut grade from poor toexcellent.

besides its size, this sparkle from the cutis what captures peoples attention the most. cut is measured by the angles and thicknessof the diamond shape. this diamond's cut grade is excellent andhas maximum illumination when you shine focused light through it. if we take the angle of the excellent cuton the diamond you see it matches the excellent diagram from this interactive cut tool thati found. now look at this diamond with only a goodcut grade. the diamond does brighten when you shine thesame focused light on it but there are dark spots in the diamond.

you can see this all matches with the smallerand unfavorable angle in the diamond. compare the two cuts side by side and nowyou see the difference in brightness and cut angles. in public it sparkles more intense and moreimpressively. despite its importance like here the retailerssimply not the mention the cut grade. instead they list the cut shape and symmetrygrade to make you think it is the same as the cut grade. then to finish fooling you they simply shineimpressive lights that would make any diamond sparkle.

why do they do this? that leads me to carat. carat is actually the diamond weight measurement. playing with the cut angles of the diamondthey can actually make then carat go up without it looking bigger and thus they are able tocharge you more. but with this tool you can see that the diamondshould look bigger with an increase in carat size. this is a diamond size comparison on the fingeror hand. from 1/2 carat to 3 carat.

clarity is next on our list of comparisons. clarity grade is measured from flawless tovvs1 and 2 to the vs's to the si's and then i's. defects range from chips, to feathering, toeven cloudiness. the higher on the clarity scale the less visiblethe defects are and the lower of defects there are. lets start with a vvs2 diamond. you can see here the diamond looks very nice. no visible defects.

looks good. now at first glance this si2 diamond looksgood. especially if you were to see it at a diamondstore with impressive lights. but here you can see its defect. even this i-1 grade is difficult to see itsbig defect unless you know how to look for it and i have it way zoomed in. now here you can see is a better way to comparediamonds from a diamond website i will link to in the corner of this video and in thedescription below. its better because it uses a light and certainsettings on a 360 camera so you can see the

defects better than you could at a diamondstore. now here from this website you can see thati's look terrible especially compared to the vvs. vvs defects are virtually undetectable tothe human eye. next from this website is an si diamond whichhas a major flaw when i highlight it here. but perhaps if you werent looking for it mightbe a little hard to detect even though it is visible to the human eye. another way diamond stores often try and trickis they try and hide these defects under the diamond clasps that hold them into the ring.

now we are looking at vs which gets very hardto detect. can you find it? probably not. you can see it is this tiny little speck inthe center of the diamond. now if this were in real life it would bereally hard to detect. but for a perfectionist like myself that tinydefect would drive me nuts every time i looked at my wife's diamond. however, its your own preference. color is next and it is measured from d toz.

d being pure and colorless. z being the most yellow. most diamond stores don't sell less than ak in color unless specifically trying to sell yellow diamond. now lets compare them. this diamond shade h looks really nice. in fact it doesnt look at all yellow untilcompared to a diamond shade d right next to it. the same even with the shade k.

in fact most shades appear yellow only whenthey're compared to other diamonds right next to them. that is why it is generally the safest areato cut back on when buying a diamond because you'll never notice unless you comparing rightnext to another diamond. all these comparsions you can actually justdo on your own from the link in this video. the best way i found to get a great priceon a quality diamond is to click on this link on the video and in the description. now i will show you ways to lower the cost. in fact we will compare the prices of eachof the four diamonds we found in the store

and that i showed you on the hand to diamondswith the same specs from the link below. here is our 1 carat diamond ring on the fingerwhich is 5788 dollars in the diamond store at the time i made this video and you findthe exact same specs here only the price is 3600 dollars which means you would have saved2188 dollars buying it from the link below. now for the 3 carat diamond on the hand. this is from kay jewelers online website. this diamond is practically 55,000 dollars. this is a pretty basic band design. it is ideal cut, a shade i and si2 clarity.

and this site it is 23,270 dollars. a savings of $31,730 dollarsthen our half carat and 2 carat diamond ring on the finger were a savings of 569 and 9198dollars respectively. you get the picture. make sure whatever device you use come backclick on the link below to find the daimonds. my sixth c is certification. each diamond has a tiny number inscribed onits side so your diamond cannot be misplaced. look at these two diamonds they are the samespecs the same grades. the one on the right looks pretty good forits specs.

its graded by gia. the one on the left looks scratchy and wayworse. it is graded by a different certificationcompany. that is because gia is the gold standard forcertification. any other certification company just inflatesits grades so the diamond retailers gets you pay more money for lower quality diamond. dont believe this happens look at this emaili recieved when i tried to purchase a shade h diamond from another diamond company. it states egl is a for profit lab.

when compared to gia this will be closer toa k/l color. that means they are admitting gia is the correctgrade and theirs is a lower quality. always, always go by the gia diamond certificationno matter where you purchase the diamond. if you are going to buy a diamond make sureyou click on the link below. even if you go to another computer or device,come back to this video to click on that link because it will help you out. also like and subscribe.

jual cincin tunangan online

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