maria doulton: i want to help you find theperfect engagement ring, so i have four simple tips to guide you. before we start, let meexplain that i'm focusing just on the round brilliant cut, because it is the classic engagementring diamond, and that's because, for its size, it gives the best spread on the handand sparkle. what’s more, it’s forgiving on colour and inclusions, which means youcan play with your budget. what better place than de beers, who are,of course, the diamond experts, and have such a huge selection on hand to illustrate myfour points? my first tip is to decide how much you're going to spend. sales advisor: it helps us a lot if we knowwhat sort of budget we’re working with.
maria doulton: to give you an example, this1 carat diamond ring costs about â£12,000, but prices don’t rise in neat steps, andthat's because the larger the diamond, the rarer. a 5 carat diamond is more than 5 timesthe price of a 1 carat diamond. my second tip is to decide which diamond sizeis the one for you. sales advisor: in my experience, ladies tendto go for the large diamonds. maria doulton: first, let’s see what differentcarat sizes look like on the hand. this is a half carat and costs â£7,000. this is a1 carat at â£16,100. this is a 1.55 carat at â£30,000, and this is a 5 carat at overâ£300,000. my third tip is to be flexible on colour andclarity. keep an open mind and you can get
more carats for your money. you’ll be surprisedto know that you can go as low as a j or a k and still get a great effect. the one ofthe left is a t colour and costs â£16,100, and a similar one on the right, but in ani colour, costs â£9,550. as for clarity, it’s difficult to see inclusionswith the naked eye. in fact, you need a loupe. if you lower the colour and the clarity, thenprices begin to drop. here’s a good example. this ring is a 2carat d colour and internally flawless, and costs â£132,000. this ring of a similar sizeis a j colour, and slightly included, and costs â£25,900.my fourth tip is to consider the design of the ring, because optical illusions are yourfriend.
sales advisor: the design of the ring cancreate very different effects on the hand. the db classic is a very simple and elegantstyle, while the aura gives an envision of sparkle to the diamond. maria doulton: a ring like this aura, witha halo of diamonds, automatically makes a ring appear bigger and adds more sparkle.it’s all a question of which style and setting you prefer. in an aura setting, this 0.5 caratring looks almost the same size as a 1 carat in a classic setting.now you’ve done your homework and you know what the different carat sizes look like onthe hand, you can decide how flexible you want to be on colour and clarity.still not sure? well, i have discovered that
de beers have this incredibly clever in storeapp that is called 'for you, forever.’ what it does is it allows you to choose by price,colour, clarity and size, exactly the diamond that you want set in a ring, just for you.simple really. if you want to know all that's happening inthe world of jewellery and watches, visit my website: thejewelleryeditor.com.
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