Thursday, February 9, 2017

do wedding rings have to match

do wedding rings have to match

can men wear suit jackets separate from suittrousers_ male style & fashion advice hi. iã­m antonio centeno, the founder of realmen real style. today, iã­m going to be answering the question, ã¬can you wear a suit jacketand trousers separately?ã® if you havenã­t already, make sure to subscribeto our youtube channel. you can do that just clicking the button right above here, highlyrecommended. youã­ll get these videos delivered right to you whenever you click on youtubeor i know for many men, theyã­re going to come right to your inbox. and weã­re puttingout a lot of videos here so i want to make sure that you donã­t miss any. in addition, visit us down below at real menreal style. there should be a link right below

this video and what youã­re going to findis that we give away a great free ebook with audio. every single day, i get a thank youbecause the stuff is great. in addition, weã­ve got hundreds of articleson menã­s style. so, if youã­re looking for information about belts, information aboutdress shoes, information about colors of suits, informations about colors of suits, informationsabout sports jackets, information about understanding color as a man. we pay attention to this andwe write really in-depth, and i think some of the best articles on the web about thesesubjects. okay. so letã­s get back to the question.can you wear a suit jacket with trousers as separate?ã® and youã­re going to see a lotof people take a very firm stance and say

absolutely not. i say it depends. if you ownone suit, my answer is absolutely not. the reason being if you own one suit, you ownthat one suit for a reason. and thatã­s because occasionally you will need it. you donã­twear a suit every single day but youã­ve got that one suit that whenever youã­ve got afuneral, youã­ve got a wedding, youã­ve some event that you have to wear a suit, youã­vegot that one suit. so, whenever you wear them separate, you bringin the risk of damaging one of those garments or perhaps sending one of method of cleanersor spending a lot of sun perhaps in that jacket. and if you do that enough times, all of asudden, those trousers in that jacket are no longer going to match and if they donã­tmatch, you technically donã­t have a suit

anymore. and so you have lost that one item that youã­veã± you need to have. every man needs one suit. now, if you have 10 suits in your wardrobe,youã­re obviously a man that probably wears a suit maybe three to four times a week, ifnot every single day then yes, you can, because youã­ve got the option. youã­ve got stuffto fall back on and hopefully youã­re a little bit more advanced when it comes to style thatyou understand that whenever you do this, you need to make sure and clean them, whenever you send them off to the dry cleaners even though youã­ve maybe worn thetrousers maybe, you know, twice but youã­ve worn the jacket 20 times, you still are goingto send in those trousers even if theyã­re

not dirty because you know that thereã­s aslight discoloration that happens. i mean, it depends on the laundry and what kind ofmaterial or kind of solvents theyã­re using but you want to make sure that they go togetherand theyã­re cleaned together so that they maintain the same type of color and everything. in addition, look to buy extra trousers. so,if youã­re going to be doing this quite often, you ã± trousers are more likely than yourjacket to actually be ruined. so if youã­re wearing trousers without the jacket often,youã­re going to want at least two pairs so that when one pair does rip or tear that youã­reable and still have something and be able to salvage that suit.

the other one is that the last point is youneed to know what youã­re doing. so, i see a lot of men wearing suit jacket with pairof jeans or a suit back ã± jacket as ã± and try to wear this as a sports jacket. and ican tell usually by the structure of the suit, and when i look at it, you can just tell thatthis really isnã­t a sports jacket. and there are some men i canã­t tell and those are theones doing it right. now, iã­ve got ã± iã­ve got a very discerningeye for this in the industry but you want to be able to wear a jacket that is kind ofã± if i canã­t tell or if itã­s kind of iffy then youã­re doing a good job. and whatã­sthe measure of that? well, i talked about that in my other article how to wear a suitjacket with a pair of jeans so you can go

to that one and in fact they may link to itdown below. but just pay attention back to the original question is, ã¬can you wear asuit jacket and a suit pair of trouser separately?ã® again, it depends. if you have one suit, no,not ever because you want that one suit ready for you when you need it. if youã­ve got morethan one suit, you know, five to ten, sure, why not. just understand that you do riskdamaging one of them all of a sudden losing that suit forever. okay. antonio centeno with real men real style.hope you enjoy this. and if you have any other questions, make sure you go ahead and sendme an email like you can contact me through many ways. i really donã­t answer a lot oftimes...

...some of the questions we get post in theyoutube channel just because i donã­t check it very often. so make sure to visit us atreal men real style and we try to answer your questions there. take care. bye-bye.

jual cincin tunangan di gresik

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